Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!!

....Ok I suck, I admit it...my commitment to this blog lasted for 2 posts!! ARGH!!!

Please forgive me and continue to read. I've re-commited to updating this especially since on our next journey there will be what is being described to me as "limited internet access"!! I don't know how I'll cope with that!!

Ok...so here it goes...Post # 3!!

Las Vegas Part Deux....

Hunzos...Home sweet Home in Las Vegas 2010
 We finally made it back to Vegas under the wonderful driving skills of  Trevor Baker! We left on a cloudy day from Fort Saskatchewan (Thanks for the free rent Mom and Don!!!) We decided to be very aggressive in our trek and made it all the way to.....Calgary Alberta! Opting to visit with some good friends instead of continuing on to the border...thanks for the bed Kathleen and Chad! Although their "street cred" (questionable as it is) may not be as high as it was before they were seen out in public with Trevor Baker in Crocs!! We had a great time with them and look forward to many more nights like that!

A late start the next day, we drove until we could drive no longer, down to Helena Montana.....but alas, the town would not have us. There was a Montana teachers convention in town and not a Vacant room to be had....just Trevors Luck : ( so on we went to Butte Montana for a lovely stay at another Classy Motel 6!

We must have been eager to make it to Vegas because we only slept till around 4AM and were pounding the pavement by 5......a long 12 hours later we were pulling into Las Vegas.....Home sweet home!

One of Trevor colleagues, (the one and only Terry Jantz from Edmonton) came to visit us over the Halloween Weekend. We had the place ready for all kinds of Trick or Treaters....too many apparently because we still have bags of candy left! Not that anyone is complaining about that! I also carved some pumpkins for the first time in YEARS! It took quite a while, but the final outcome was pretty good I think!

My Punpkin Creations!!

The Sculptor hard at work...

It was nice to have some company, we got to re familiarize ourselves with this great city.  We got in all the good touristy things that one needs to see on a trip to Vegas.....Some Outlet shopping in Primm, the Beatles Love show at the Mirage,  people watching on the Balcony at Mon Ami Gabi, a trip to the brand new Clark County Shooting Park,  a drive to the Red Rock Canyon, our favorite...Bowling....and a picture taking extravaganza down Las Vegas Boulevard. It was a jam packed 3 days, but a lot of fun had along the way!

Christie and Terry @ Red Rock Canyon

Clark County Shooting Park

.....Stay Tuned for more fun!!


  1. Boo. Hunzo's get haircuts together!

  2. Ha HA...Braden is that you!?!?! I'll post that pic for you....when the time is right.
    : )
